Monday, 19 November 2007


Stuarts Pick of The Month for November is…”Confessions of and Heiress” by Paris Hilton.
I know, I know, there were those of us who were stunned that young Paris could write a book, I mean seriously, who among us knew she could even read! It was, of course, of no surprise to Stuart that Paris Hilton, heiress to the Hilton fortune, professional party goer and all round bad girl would release a premature autobiography on her fabulously exciting life.
Who wouldn't, given the fact that she is constantly surrounded by B grade celebrities, has a father with more money than god, spends a great deal of her time being photographed without underwear and is renowned, as they say, for going to the opening of an envelope….oh the juicy stories we all hoped she would divulge…
Alas, rather than getting a gossip fest the trashiest tabloids would drool over, we instead were relegated with tips and tricks on how to be the perfect heiress. Of course there are SO many lost little heiresses out there who are just desperate for guidance on how to behave in a manner fit for their station! Perhaps the most helpful bit of advice young Paris espouses in her (complete waste of paper can you believe trees died for this..) book is for aspiring heiresses to “always act like you are wearing an invisible crown, I do and it has always worked for me…” One has to wonder how well that worked for her in prison.
Still at least, being invisible and all the other inmates couldn't steal it from her and maim her with it! (Now there is a book I would love to read)
Stuart was so derangedly bored with this piece of trash he has failed to revive himself enough to even give it a skull rating...

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